About Us

Welcome to Saarthi

Our story

5 years ago I couldn’t have imagined myself creating a business that felt heart-warmingly aligned with my soul purpose! I believe that in life, there are signs around us, pointing us towards our soul’s desires, if only we can slow down enough to notice them.

The ambitious, go-getter in me found out the hard way that the Universe has a way of showing us when something is not in alignment with who we are. For a long time, my successful corporate career gave me a sense of success and purpose. But after years of prioritising everything else in life, I found myself facing burnout. Unhappy, and with my health deteriorating, I dreamed of creating a business that would feel soulfully aligned. I imagined offering guidance and running retreats for women who want to live a more meaningful life.

It wasn’t until 2020 that I was forced to acknowledge that something needed to change. The crippling effects of Covid on the travel industry meant that I was forced away from the familiarity of the life I knew. I found myself becoming inspired by Lord Krishna, a character in Mahabharata, also known as “Mother of all wars” in Indian History. The tale describes a civil war between family members, where Lord Krishna became Saarthi (Sanskrit for “Charioteer” or “Guide”) for Arjuna, one of the family members. When Arjuna doubted himself, Krishna showed him compassion, clarity and strength to be the person he needed to be.

It was then that I realised while watching one of the episodes of the ' Mahabharata ' that the Universe had been my own “Saarthi” and had been offering me signs all along. It had taken my life crumbling around me, for me to slow down enough to listen.

I know deep within my heart that everything I have experienced has happened for a reason, and has guided me to who I am today. In the rush of life, so many of us aren’t present and have lost connection with who we are. We are conditioned to look outside of ourselves for happiness, wanting expensive things and trying to prove to the world that we can have it all. But what is our soul whispering?

I am forever grateful to be helping men and women like you on your transformational journey! To hold space for you to slow down, heal and connect with your true purpose, so that you can create a life that feels amazing on the inside too.

What we Do

From the moment I experienced my own transformation, I knew that I wanted to share these powerful healing techniques with others on a similar journey. Holistic healing is never a one-size-fits-all approach, so we will work with your body’s infinite wisdom to treat the whole of you and give you the best possible experience. We believe that every person has the power to heal, and that the process of healing happens from the inside out. When the body is blocked energetically, we experience physical and emotional imbalances, which manifests in the body as illness. I have found Spiritual healing to be a transformational, life-changing process in aiding the body’s health and well-being! I can’t wait to work with you to design a healing treatment that’s tailor-made for your needs. We will meet in person or via Zoom so that you can give us all the information we will need to prepare the right plan and support system for you. The services we provide are suitable for anyone – male or female – over 10 years old. We provide holistic solutions that help to accelerate internal healing. Please note, they are not a substitution for medical or psychological advice, so please seek help in those areas where necessary.

  • Calming your Mind is the key !
  • Meditation is an empowering tool that allows you to be present and deeply connect with your soul. Inner connection is such a valuable tool in your healing journey that we’ve included meditation in almost every modality we offer. We believe that the grounding and self-reflective nature of meditation is key to the self-healing process, and an effective way to heal holistically. It’s a brilliant way to find authentic answers to the questions that you may have in your heart. It can also help you to understand your process and identity energy blockages, setting a wonderful foundation for self-healing


Our Work

Get Saarthi, Heal yourself & Grow yourself.