Chakra Healing

Chakra Healing


Account Name: MS J M SEHGAL,   Account Number: 06-0241-0959378-00



Perhaps you’ve heard of Chakra Healing before but if not, this gentle yet powerful healing method helps to locate vibrational blockages throughout the body,


and channel energy…. through the 7 Chakra points, clearing and rebalancing your energy field.

The Chakras are the 7 main energy centres in the physical body, which control the flow of life force energy through each of us. Each Chakra is located at a different point in the body and has a specific purpose and function. When they become blocked or out of alignment, we can experience physical and emotional dis-ease.

For example, a blocked Throat Chakra may leave you unable to communicate properly and express yourself authentically. This may manifest as a sore throat or other physical symptoms in that area.

If your Heart Chakra is blocked, you may experience issues around compassion and love.

One of the most common Chakras to find a blockage in is the Root Chakra. You may find that there is some imbalance in this area for you if you’re constantly worrying about money, food, shelter and anything else to do with survival.

Cleansing and balancing your Chakras regularly is important for healthy and positive energy to flow through you and your life. Our Chakra Healing session will do just that, helping you to rebalance your energetic body so that it can unlock its power to heal itself!



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