Emotional Healing

Emotional Healing


Like so many of us, I know what it’s like to feel stuck in the mundane 9-5 of work and everyday commitments, that seem to keep us forever busy. Life feels so full constantly, doesn’t it?

It wasn’t so long ago that I found myself in burnout, prioritising doing ALL the things, with little thought for my own well-being. I didn’t make time to even consider my own emotions or feelings, my attention distracted by “doing”.

All of these distractions kept me disconnected from who I was, without me even realising it. I didn’t make time to slow down and ask myself, “How am I really?” It wasn’t until an auto-immune condition forced me to stop that I began to look deeply within myself at what was going on.

I see this happening all the time for my clients too. We often aren’t honest with ourselves about how we are really feeling, until we are forced to slow down because we’ve become ill or a radical circumstance forces us to stop in our path.

It takes a big change within us to feel safe enough to be truthful about how we are really feeling. We’ve been brought up in a society where expressing our emotions has felt unsafe, for fear of being seen as an attention seeker or over-dramatic. It has become normal to ignore any emotions we are feeling, or to keep ourselves busy “doing”, and not even feel them in the first place.

When we don’t properly acknowledge ourselves, it causes our heart to stay closed, leaving us feeling disconnected from our true selves. These unexpressed emotions commonly lead to energy blockages and a manifestation of illness in our physical body. Emotional blockages might look like:

⦁ Compulsive and impulsive behaviour

⦁ Anger or being short-tempered

⦁ Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

⦁ Feelings of anxiety and depression

⦁ Joint pain or autoimmune diseases

⦁ Asthma and/or eczema

This isn’t an exhaustive list; when we aren’t acknowledging what is really going on in our hearts, it can appear at an energetic and physical level in many different ways.

I have found that when we become deeply introspective, and heal on the inside, it has a profound effect on our outside health. Being honest about how we feel and connecting with our emotions is a big part of internal healing.

Here at Saarthi, we want to help you to clear and treat any emotional blockages, and have many tools that will support you with recognising, feeling and releasing your emotions.


Account Name: MS J M SEHGAL,   Account Number: 06-0241-0959378-00



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