Healing through Ayurvedic Lifestyle and Food

Healing through Ayurvedic Lifestyle and Food


Account Name: MS J M SEHGAL,   Account Number: 06-0241-0959378-00



Ayurveda is a 5000-year-old ancient Indian medicine practice that is often called the “Mother of all healing.” It’s no surprise to us that this popular nature-based therapeutic system brings……. huge spiritual change and wellness to many!

One of the main focuses of this lifestyle practice is achieving a balance between body and mind. It is said that each of us has a particular pattern of energy that makes up our constitution. We are all completely different in our make-up and in Ayurveda it’s said that there are 3 energies that define every person, which are known as Doshas. These 3 energies – Pitta, Vata and Kapha – need to be balanced within our body to achieve full health and emotional well-being.

The Ayurvedic approach is centered around working with the whole of the body, not just looking at the symptoms and addressing those. This means that our assessment will provide a very personalised look at exactly what is happening for you, and treat you with exactly what you need for your healing.

With us commonly living such busy lives, there are many reasons that our energy balance can be disturbed. These might include our emotional state, any physical trauma, our diet and food choices, our work situation, and the varying nature of family relationships. You might be surprised to hear that even the seasons and the weather we’re experiencing can have an impact on our energy balance.

Our bodies are very sensitive to the energy of the environment we are in, and the choices we make each day. Ayurveda works by looking at the whole of you – inside and out – to work out what is causing your energy to be disrupted. By making the correct changes to your lifestyle and energetics, our treatment restores harmony to the 3 energies, bringing your body back in to balance and full health.

We will provide a diet plan and a shopping list after the assessment.



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