Inner Child Healing

Inner Child Healing


Account Name: MS J M SEHGAL,   Account Number: 06-0241-0959378-00



Deep within each of us, lies our inner child; that playful, joyful, childlike aspect of ourselves, which is the true version of who we are.

We may not realise it but there are things that…. have happened during our childhood that stay buried deep within us. Experiences that have left us physically or emotionally hurt, shamed or embarrassed. Trauma can be big, or look like something as small as once having had your favourite toy taken away. These experiences will have created an emotion within you that will have stayed there, unexpressed, and become a wound that now needs loving.

The process of inner child healing is a huge part of the spiritual awakening journey, and involves meeting this trauma – the experiences you once had – and starting the journey to heal them.

You might not even realise that the smallest of things happening in your childhood can stay with you right in to adulthood, not always showing up as the experience you once had, but instead appearing as reflections of what happened. For example, the fear you experience around people leaving you, might reflect a situation you found yourself in when you were young. Or if you struggle to set healthy boundaries and have a tendency to people-please, there may be some deep wounds connected to this that you are carrying in your life now. These wounds can be deeply impactful on our lives in many different ways.

The powerful process of healing your inner child begins with you connecting with this aspect of you, so that you can acknowledge any wounds and safely release them. The best way to do this is through acceptance, non-judgement and staying present to what is. These parts buried deep within us need to be shown love in order for us to move forwards with our life.

This can be an overwhelming experience sometimes so we need to be very gentle during this process. Letting go of this unprocessed childhood trauma and working with the inner child to heal this can be profoundly powerful. We can guide you in connecting with this aspect of your true self so that you can begin to let go of these wounds, and find more balance and connection in your life.


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