Spiritual Healing

Spiritual Healing


Why spiritual healing?

One of the major keys to a balanced life is understanding the importance of energetic health. Everything in the universe is energy. We are all pure energy.

Our physical bodies are a reflection of our energetic bodies. When there are energetic blockages, they manifest in the physical body in the form of illness.

Spiritual healing is essential for our journey as souls and our overall well-being.
The purpose of energy healing therapies is to heal energetic blockages to restore the balance in the body, the mind and the soul.
Each spiritual healing program aims to address the inner blockages so you can heal from the inside out and vibrate sky high!
We always recommend a one-on-one zoom call to access and understand the issues and results you are looking for.

After the call, we will share a detailed report of the matters discussed and the different healing modalities that may be required to heal the specific individual with costs.

This service is mostly done through distant healing. We also do one on one If required via appointments in Auckland.

Account Name: MS J M SEHGAL,   Account Number: 06-0241-0959378-00



Our energetic health is vital if we want to live a life that brings us joy and aligns with our soul! When we understand that everything in the Universe is made up of energy, including us, we can see the connection between energy and our overall health and well-being.

Our physical bodies are a reflection of our energetic bodies, which is why it’s important to keep your energetic vibration as high as possible!

When we are experiencing blockages in our energy, they manifest in the physical body in the form of illness. We are often used to treating the symptoms of an illness, but how often do we look more deeply, to understand what this might mean energetically?

Spiritual healing is a transformational tool in our soul journey and for our overall well-being. Energy healing therapies are wonderful for helping to clear any blockages, and for restoring balance to the mind, body and soul. Each of the spiritual healing programs we offer will help with clearing any imbalance so that you can feel more aligned with who you truly are.


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